A Cappella Showcase Presents...

A Cappella Showcase Presents...
Type of post: A Cappella Showcase news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Rosie Chales
Status: Current
Date Posted: Fri, 19 Aug 2022
Do you have a favourite coach that you have learned at least one long lasting piece of information? A coach that has helped your chorus sound better or look better? A coach that has given you a better understanding of the music itself.

A Cappella Showcase is a lucky chorus to have an amazing Director, Jordan Travis, and a great Assistant Director in Amy Patterson. If you have ever had coaching from either of these people, you know what I’m talking about. Every week we have both out in front giving us great coaching and encouragement. I recently had the privilege of watching Amy coach a quartet and even though I see her every week it was amazing to be listening to the words of wisdom and to hear the difference those words made. When you are in the chorus hearing the sound, you don’t always recognize the change as much as listening as an outsider.

At A Cappella Showcase we know that we are an incredibly lucky chorus to have both Jordan and Amy as well as the top-notch coaches we bring in to help us achieve what we do. With that in mind, we decided that we wanted other choruses in Area 5 to have the same opportunities so we created a scholarship that any chorus in Area 5 could apply for. 

We sent out a notice to all the choruses in Area 5 with a scholarship application in which they needed to let us know the following: who the coach was they were looking at bringing in and when, what they wanted to accomplish from the coaching and what the financial burden for the chorus would be and why they should be chosen.  We also asked that each applicant let us know if they were an ACC or ICC participant, whether they participate in education and community sing outs and shows.

We wanted to select a chorus who had the financial burden but also was a part of the Harmony Inc community as well as their own community. In other words, a well-rounded chorus who had the desire to improve.

We received two applications this year which our Board of Directors reviewed and at this past Area 5 ACC we were very honoured to present the scholarship to a well deserving chorus. 

Congratulations to Scarborough Harmony Chorus on being awarded this scholarship!